1.3.0: more charts and review of lpg/cng fuel efficiency
Post date: Dec 5, 2010 10:15:13 PM
New features:
- New pie charts for costs (total costs and running costs) -> useful to see that percentage the fuel costs you for instance.
- New monthly fuel efficiency chart -> here the idea is to have the fuel efficiency aggregated by month. That way you can track the season's differences.
- Added last fuel efficiency in stats -> you now have a quick look at last refuel entry. Added also some colors: green means your entry is better than the average. Red being worst than the average
- Added some attributes to car (vin, license plate number and a general note)
- Added specific theme for charts -> now you can get black theme for the app and light theme for charts
- Added ability to choose the number of decimals for fuel quantity and price -> useful in some countries that use more decimals than the default
Bug fix:
- Fix some issues with LPG/CNG fuel efficiency. I will include a guide on how to use LPG/CNG. Any feedback is welcome
- Fix an issue with import of data on a new device with prefs different from the default